Below are links to OpEd pieces by Chris, interviews with him, or reviews of some of his books:

How Leaders Can Engender Hope Amidst Uncertain Times
Make Better Decisions: Slow Down If The Lion Isn’t Coming
Love Those You Manage: A Leader’s Three Commitments
How Leaders Create Winning Teams

What do we need for lasting contentment?
How to recognize the most important opportunities in your life
What NCAA basketball can teach us about our pandemic
You probably don’t know that a miracle has blessed your life
An everyman’s guide to becoming a saint
How to become the leader you are called to be

Harvard Business Review
A Simple Ritual for Harried Managers (and Popes)
Wall St. Journal
Noonan: Pope Francis Looks Outward
When Pope Francis was put on laundry duty
Hey, Pope Francis, where are all the married saints?
The Daily Beast
A Catholic Ex-Banker on Pope Francis’s Radical Views
Why Pope Francis should thank President Trump
Religion News Service
What the Catholic Church can learn from IBM
Is the Catholic Church a capsizing ship?
National Review
Taking a Walk with the Best of the Jesuits
Pentecost courage and a hockey star’s advice for revitalizing the Church
Rome Reports
Advice from a Catholic hospital chairman on how to boost your parish
National Catholic Reporter
No more audible gasps in church, please
‘Everyone Leads’ calls baptized to step up
Vatican Radio
Everyone leads: how to revitalize the Catholic Church
CBN News
Inner City Church Adapts to Changing Culture and Thrives
How Pope Francis Leads: A Q&A with Chris Lowney
National Catholic Reporter
Peter Faber: the new patron saint of business?
Washington Post
Six things you should read to understand Pope Francis
The Daily Beast
How Pope Francis’s Management Strategies Could Fix Wall Street
Emerging Europe
Chris Lowney — What Jesuit Spirituality Can Teach Us About Global Leadership
La Nacion Argentina (in Spanish)
Chris Lowney: “Bergoglio tuvo una formación que es esencial en cualquier líder”